Glysil Chemicals Inc. specializes in specialty polyester technology consulting, especially in additive and comonomer solution preparation and their uniform dispersion in polyester.  We have many years of manufacturing experience uniformly dispersing additives and comonomers in oligomer for specialty polyester.  Most of our technologies are patented or unique new technologies.  We have complete technology packages including recipe, equipment design, purchase, installation, and operation.  The client can chose to install the equipment yourselves, or ask an engineering company to install according to Glysil Chemicals specifications, or contract with Glysil Chemicals to install the equipment.  

• Antipilling polyester fibers      (The world's only anti-pilling technology for TPA)

• Cationic dye polyester fibers     (Na-SIPE & Li-SIPE copolymer CP experience)

• Clear polyester        (BaSO4 slurry added to CP or batch polymerization)

• Black polyester fibers         (Black slurry added to CP or batch polymerization)

• Flame retardant polyester    (Flame retardant solution added to CP or batch)

• High shrinkage polyester     (IPA solution added into CP oligomer or batch)

• Sb free catalyst         (Ti catalyst in EG solution, mixable with water)